The harsh economy is a time where individuals should be looking more towards working at home and internet marketing positions. This position offers a flexible schedule, a desirable income and requires an energized entrepreneurial spirit. Nevertheless, the guarantee for success in this field is not without some costs and investments you need to have in order to succeed.



(Courtesy of Flickr User: kodomut)


The first object needed seems self-explanatory: a working computer. The sheer fact you are reading this article probably means you have a computer. However, you need to invest in your computer wisely. This computer is not going to be just for personal information; it will have contact information, business information, programs that will help your internet marketing occupation, and client’s personal info. A computer with an excellent memory and security is required in this business.

(Courtesy of Flickr User: slasher-fun)


Second, you need to be accustomed to business law and how the internet essentially works for marketing. You are self-employed if you are freelancing or you are running your own business out of your home. Hence, you need to make sure you have all the right tax income forms and claims ready for each year. You should also consider what items you purchase for your business is writable off your taxes. Besides technical knowledge in business and taxes, you need to learn the nature of internet marketing, knowing the strategies of search engine optimization, or SEO, where a website’s place on search results is improved through targeted algorithm changes, and cost per action, where advertising is paid to maximize online visibility, should be known in detail. Online classes with schools or websites devoted to marketing are available. Help via affiliate networks are also key tools to learning information and skills in internet marketing. These networks are also great business connections for projects or partnerships.

(Courtesy of Flickr User: fisakov)


Third, finding internet service providers by zip code is an excellent way to supplement the effectiveness of your computer and business skills. If your internet service is mediocre, your internet marketing skills and actions will be seriously hindered. The best internet service providers by zip code narrows what broadband service is the best for your home area.

(Courtesy of Flickr User: Dru Bloomfield – At Home in Scottsdale)

Mobile Phone Business Apps

Fourth, stay mobile. Besides the computer investment, effective internet marketers should invest in a mobile device that will allow them to communicate with consumers and clients through a number of services. However, no phone is going to be worth it if there are not effective applications, or apps, to this phone or mobile device. With the ability to access marketing information, business data, and communicate through e-mail or social media, you can be anywhere and keep your business afloat.

(Courtesy of Flickr User: joe.ross)

Web Browser Apps

Fifth, on the comfort of your own computer, you should invest on the best web apps for your browser. Browsers can be of personal preference, such as FireFox versus Chrome; however, each one has their own apps that can make your business activities more efficient. For example, FireFox and Chrome have several extensions and third party apps that help you see effective parameters for SEO strategies.

(Courtesy of Flickr User: anthony_p_c)


Finally, always have coffee available. The entrepreneurial spirit of internet marketing necessitates that irregular hours and even night work is needed. You may need to stay up late one night working on a program or marketing strategy, or you may have to communicate with a client who lives in a different time zone. If you can stay up late on your own, that is great. But buying a good coffee machine can help give you the energy throughout the hours you work. Plus, if you are balancing multiple jobs or need to get up early to work after a long night, then having coffee available is essential.


  1. Gary Tyrell


    The business of working from home is deceptive in that it seems simple but actually requires a lot of commitment. If you want to make your internet marketing business successful, you need to have the efficient skills, right knowledge and positive attitude.

  2. Gary Tyrrell


    Many of the people start with the home internet marketing business but not everybody is successful in this. Why is this? The main reason for this is because not every online marketer knows the basic and effective method for the online business.

  3. Dean


    Hi Ruben I like your post and also the pic are awesome and your recommendations really helpful for me

  4. sabrina clements


    Thank you very much for sharing wonderful information….You are sharing nice information….

  5. Maria Pavel


    Coffee! LOL I actually smiled at the last thing you’ve noted that a internet marketer needs to be successful. Indeed this is the most important thing to keep one’s body awake for a longer period of time. Unfortunately for me, I don’t really drink coffee since then, but I can eat coffee candy, would that be counted? LOL

  6. Gail Gardner


    LOL at your advice to “always have coffee available”. While I do work unusual hours because I collaborate with people all over the world, coffee doesn’t agree with me and I rarely drink any beverages that have more caffeine than iced tea in the summer and hot tea in the winter.

    I do recommend getting the best Internet connection you can and for many in rural areas that may mean point to point wireless from a WISP. Avoid HughesNet and most other satellite connections because they severely limit bandwidth and are unusable for power Internet users even if you upgrade to their pro versions. There is a post on my blog about how truly awful HughesNet is and how hard it is to get out of their contracts so be warned – and use the links in that post to find a good local WISP (wireless Internet Service Provider). I linked this comment to that post in the regular Website field to make it easier to find for those who need that info.

  7. Megan Brown


    Like this very much as you are right the point which you have mentioned here are very much needed inorder to work at home.

    Especially I like your last recommendation very much i.e COFFEE as without this I am not able to think also. Its work as FUEL for my MIND.

    • Ruben


      No doubt whatsoever! In moderation, but I’m crazy so I like to load up as much as possible on coffee before work. That way I can put my 2,000,000 % in there. Of course if that makes any sense at all. 🙂

  8. Ruben


    Thank you everyone for the comments! I think coffee is probably the MOST essential thing because thats the first thing to get you up and motivated and motivation is the root of all productivity… well then you can go buy the computer and all that other great stuff. lol I”m glad you all liked the article. Feel free to contact me at anytime. 🙂

  9. Reply

    Great post Ruben. For one thing that I can say is that I love my coffee 🙂

    Another thing that can be added to the list of things, which is invisible, and that is self-motivation. If you have all these things and you aren’t self-motivated then chances are you won’t have any success.

    • Ruben


      Hey Kharim,

      I appreciate you letting me post here! Writing this post was a lot of fun. Thank you so much again!

    • Ruben


      You should come to Miami and have a Cuban espresso called a ‘Colada’ that little shot is like the normal espresso’s grand master. 🙂

  10. Chris Cole


    Loved the post, but I would also add that drive, commitment and determination are also needed for working from home. Many have the idea and of course possibly the computer. But are they working whenever they are online? Are they really working or surfing and goofing around on the internet?

    Many get distracted or lost on their way around the internet as they are alone in their endeavours and have nobody driving them on. Focus and action is also a MUST if you are to succeed online.

    • Ruben


      You’re absolutely right about drive and determination. I would figure that’d be the first step also. I should have added that but hey I’m sure everyone here including you has that. 🙂

  11. Ana


    Ruben, this is an excellent post. I love the way you put this together and the pics are awesome. Those really are all the tools you need to work from home.

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