Anyone can be a blogger but before you actually start writing a blog, ask yourself a very basic question: Do I really know how to write a blog post? One fundamental point, therefore, needs to be examined very carefully first: How to structure a blog post.

Talking about blog writing, I simply insist that those who write great blog posts first create that perfect blog post structure – the very foundation without which your writing eventually becomes an exercise in futility.

The so-called structure helps you identify the points to be covered & underscored and to maintain a fluidity and continuity in your writing.

This inevitably makes your blog post eminently readable and, more importantly, influences the reader to take the action you want.

Take a look at the latest edition of Strunk & White’s classic, Principles of Good Writing. It has some great blog writing tips to produce blog posts that actually make an impact.

Moreover, you will also observe that the best blog posts, as is universally seen, are based on the following globally accepted principles on blog structure.

In other words, the blog post structure is more like a compass that points out the right direction in which you must head to deliver the right stuff.

  1. Think, Think, and Think!

This is the very first step in creating the blog’s structure, before you hit the keyboard. Put nine thoughts to a word, as the Buddha said.

As I advise you on how to write a blog entry successfully, I would first tell you to make an outline of the basic blog post ideas you have in mind and intend writing about.

This is the text structure of your blog post and to which you must stick as you keep writing.

Once you collect the information, make a list of all topics to be covered and even bundle them together if they are similar in nature.

Then prioritize the order in which you wish to present them — thematically or didactically — with every point being elaborated in separate paragraphs.

  1. Structure Listing

After putting the topics in order, make a fresh topics list, which is actually a brief article summary.

Write down short sentences or even a couple of words representing each point.

This list is the skeleton on which the article develops and helps you in writing blog posts easily.

  1. Paragraph Creation

Now that the bundled topics already exist in the text’s structure, you can start writing paragraphs.

However, do bear in mind that a well written paragraph for any blog post depends on the following:

  1. The paragraph must be an individual thematic unit.
  2. It must contain one central sentence which needs to be elaborated upon coherently and logically.


  • It should be clearly visible. Remember that putting white spaces at random may disturb the copy’s structure, fluidity and coherence, ending in a grand mess finally.
  1. Your paragraph’s length should be solely theme dependent. For online writing, stick to short paragraphs containing a maximum of six sentences. Start the paragraph with the sentence of prime importance and then elaborate on it. Not only does it grab reader attention but helps hold it, too.


  1. Use Transition Words

An inextricable component of the structure of a blog post is transition words, also called signal words. Use them freely.

Words like and, another, finally, because, opposite, hence, probably and most noteworthy, not only help the reader understand whether you are comparing, summarizing or concluding but effectively connect sentences & paragraphs to maintain copy continuance.

The use of signal words, particularly at the beginning or concluding part of your article, helps promoting your blog posts substantially on Google as well.

  1. Headings Tell The Story

As I advise you on how to write SEO friendly blog posts, I have to insist that headings are extremely important to the SEO concept.

As Joost de Valk says, “The latest blog posts on Google, for instance, are all headings-based and tell the reader what the topic of your article is in a fraction of a second.”

Make your headings as focused as possible, therefore, to get the maximum mileage and for promoting your blog posts.

The reader quickly gets to scan your text and decide which parts are relevant for him.

At any cost, therefore, make your headings attractive so that they reflect your text’s structure. The emphasis on headings is one of the critical blog SEO tips that I perpetually and happily part with.

  1. Meta Descriptions

If you wish to know further on how to optimize blog posts for SEO, you have to also bear in mind that the use of Meta descriptions in the text structure of your blog post is equally important.

This short text in the webpage’s HTML describes its specific content and influences the searcher’s decision on whether he wants to further study your content which the search results have thrown up.

Therefore, make your description more elaborate, relevant and attractive so that it gets clicked through.

A majority of search engines deploy about 160 characters maximum to describe your post on results pages.

Thus, creating a meta-description of less than 160 characters shows up as a complete description on the search engine’s results page. Otherwise it gets cut off.

  1. Explore, Examine, Educate

Before seriously getting into the act of writing blog posts, make sure to study as many blog post examples as you can.

As Leo Tolstoy so aptly described it: “To be a good speaker, first a good listener be. To be a great writer, first a grand reader be.”

As you keep studying and educating yourself before you write, you will soon realize that once you develop a coherent and solid structure as the first step, the resultant blog post shall inevitably convey a clearer message to your reader.

Once that happens, your post is most likely to get socially shared or you will successfully convince people to buy products and services.

Blog Structure Examples

According to Michael Hyatt, there are three great examples of blog structure:

  • How To
  • List
  • Review Posts


  1. The first type takes the reader through a process that has a structure with numbered and sequential steps supported by screenshots or photos. This tells him what he is likely to get at every stage.
  2. The structure based on Lists comprises ideas, suggestions, tips and resources with a number to each. This structure helps the reader use specific points only and saves valuable time.
  • The Review structure bases itself on expert opinions on a particular service or product and helps readers take informed decisions. It’s a great way to show your expertise and knowledge about a particular subject as well.


Take Pamela Seiple’s advice. She mentions six components that go into the making of the best blog posts that generate multiple leads:

·      A catchy headline

·      In-text links for landing pages

·      A banner/sidebar call to action

·      Buttons for social sharing

·      A definite call for action while signing off

·      Most importantly – overall relevance


In Summary

According to a study conducted by the State University of New York, Plattsburgh the structure of a blog post depends on its text, formatting, freshness, accessibility, images, outbound hyperlinks, linked pages and authentic expert opinions.

Try and remember this and you certainly won’t go wrong.  


Author Bio: Gaurav Jain is a passionate blogger, who takes great pride in providing his readers with the latest tips, tricks and strategies in the internet world. He founded eMoneyIndeed to help people know things better. Do check it out!!


  1. Reply

    Hi Kharim,
    I do believe that the tips you have shared are excellent and must be followed while crafting a post.
    Thanks for the share.
    And have a good weekend.

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