Every profession has occupational hazards. For geeks, this hazard is the countless hours they spend sitting. Owing to their addiction to their electronics and gadgets, geeks lead a largely sedentary life, which is bad for the heart and for the rest of the body. Here are four ways in which you can make your electronics work for you and help you lose weight.

Gmap pedometer

One of the tools that you can use for fitness is Gmap Pedometer. This application gives you maps where you can track your jogging or cycling route. You can create running maps and save routes. All saved routes will show up in blue. This tool is so effective that you can train yourself to run a marathon. You can set language, different units of lengths, create new points on the track by simply double clicking and gauge your distance with the mile marker. With this tracker, every geek can become a fitness freak. This exercise regime, along with delicious low calorie meals from Bistro MD, can make you fit and healthy. If you want to save some bucks on these meals, you can use coupon codes offered by the company.

Use fitness tracking websites

There are several websites that will give you specific calorie intake per day depending on your weight, height and age. All you have to do is enter these numbers in the website along with your weight loss goals. These websites will give you calorie count for foods that you should eat. Follow it and you will hit your goals. You will still get all the nutrition and lose weight simultaneously. Once you have the calorie count, you can plan your diet. Instead of grabbing a typical geeky sandwich or a burger, go in for salads. Drop the coke and drink fruit juices. The other option you have is to choose a meal plan from Weight Watchers and enjoy nutritious meals that only give you as much calories as you should eat. This company offers promo code as well, thereby giving you a chance to save some money. Another advantage of using these websites is that you know how many calories you should lose each day. So, you can also plan out exercise regimes.

Heart rate monitors

If you have panache with gadgets, then use one that can help you lose weight. The best you can use is a heart rate monitor. These monitors are something that you wear on your wrist and keep track of your heart beat. You can use the internet to know how to find out your maximum heart rate and how many calories you can lose by elevating your heart rate to a particular level. These calculations should be simple enough for geeks. So, go for it and enjoy a calculated weight loss.

Lose weight with your iPhone

Apps such as Meal Snap make iPhone a perfect aid for weight app. All you have to do is click the picture of your meal using your iPhone. When the app is activated, you get the number of calories that you are about to consume with that meal. It is a great way to keep track of your calorific intake. Other apps that you can use are CrunchFu and RunKeeper.

[box]Irfan Siddiqui writes for webmaster-success.com and his articles cover a variety of interesting topics. He is also writing for CertNI.com, an established supplier of EPCs in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The EPCs are a legal requirement for houses marketed for sale or to let according to EU regulations. If you wish to know more about the EPCs just click here.[/box]


  1. Lorna


    Excellent article, thanks for sharing. I’ve been looking for this info for a while.

  2. Mike Allan


    I personally really like the Android apps that Google has that is called “My Tracks” it clean and simple UI makes it quick and easy to get detailed analytics of your workouts.

  3. Anne Angala


    Big 5 for those great technology gadgets! I like to have an iPhone so I can count the calories I am taking in so I can have the proper diet to make me healthier and stronger. Meal Snap is so incredible! Thanks for such amazing technology!

  4. james


    Great and simple post here, Thanks for your nice knowledge sharing. Lose weight with iPhone is simple technique for everyone. Surely i follow this idea in next week 🙂 please continue your amazing article sharing servie. have a nice day.

  5. Tracyann0312


    I am not one of the techie guy who always want different apps in their phone. But I think that the technology for weight loss is a great idea in order to be physically and mentally fit. I think that I should need to use it. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Reply

    Hey Irfan, that’s really very important and useful info at least for me. The reason I said that because My whole daily routine is composed of mainly sitting and working hence I find myself getting addicted to it!! Thanks for the gMap Pedometer!! I will definitely try it!!

  7. Megan Brown


    Hello Irfan…this is what I am searching all the time as I am health conscious thus this proves useful for me.

    As of now I have tried many different way but this is something new for me.

    Thanks for this.

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      Aha, I’m happy to read that my content have benefited you in someways.

      According to me, If you don’t look after your health then you also not care of your family as they are connected to you and they care for your health.

      One must be conscious towards his/her health. Good that you are!

  8. Reply

    Hey irfan i think all blogger should use this . .. . .. bcz all work from same chair and from home so they need to give time for health also.
    And I never heard about this. Would like to give a try.
    Amit Shaw

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      Exactly Amit,

      We (online people) never look after our health or our routine and this cause health problem which later becomes disaster for us. One should take care of it from starting.

      Yes, Definitely give a try men.

  9. Andy


    Have you tried any gadgets like the new Nike FuelBand? I’m thinking about getting one (or a similar product) and geek up my fitness…not really to track stuff but more to motivate me to do anything at all. 😉

    • Irfan Siddiqui


      It’s all depend on you, Andy, how you take care of your health. I would recommend to go through the way I suggested in this article. However, I would love to know about how the gadget works – mentioned by you. Please let our readers know, about it as I have not tried it yet and so, have no experience in it.

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