Whether you are a blogger or a non-blogger, setting goals can help to make us a better person. But since we are bloggers, because you happen to be reading this blog post, then it is appropriate to say setting goals can help us to be better bloggers.

Settings goals has to do with making plans to become successful at something or having to achieve something that you have set before you. Making plans/setting goals is one of the first steps that we can take to become successful bloggers. Blogging can be quite a challenge if we want to blog for money or blog to make a living online. But having plans and goals can make it a bit easier for us.

This post that I have written will discuss simple goals that you can try to achieve which will help to make you a successful blogger.

Goal #1: Increasing Blog Traffic

Your blog might have a pretty decent amount of daily/monthly traffic, but are you really satisfied with this volume of incomming traffic to your blog? Wouldn’t you like to increase this traffic to your blog some more?

Well increasing your blog traffic can be time consuming and challenging. But you might be taking the wrong approach to traffic generation. Generating traffic to ones blog is basically getting people to click on your link that has been placed on a site, through social media, forum submission, email marketing, advertising, blog commenting, search engine, guest posting or whatever the case may be.

The thing is, does your blog offer what your visitors are looking for? The first step to increasing blog traffic starts with your blog. You have to make sure that your blog has the proper information to suite your visitors wants and needs. Returning visitors to your blog can help to increase your traffic.

Another thing is to not try and get a bulk load of traffic to your blog at once. Building up traffic to your blog does not come over night. It might take days, weeks or even months for you to start generating thousands of hits per month.

You should at least try to get a few people who are interested in your blog’s content. These type of people can be classed as targeted traffic. Building up your traffic by getting a few people each day is the trick to getting thousands of hits per month in the long run.

Goal #2: Building A List

Building a mailing list or a rss list with thousands of active subscribers can take longer than expected. This is another thing which also takes great time and effort.

This second goal starts of with your blog and it’s content. When you aim to write top quality content, write well researched blog articles, then the natural tendencies of your blog visitors is to subscribe to your blog. Once your articles are of high value then there is pretty much nothing to do to get them to subscribe. All you have to do is to cuntinute producing and publishing these type of top quality contents.

Building up your mailing list can be very easy if you offer some freebies. Freebies can include things like ebooks or tools which bloggers need to become successful. In order to get this free offer then they will have to opt-in or subscribe to get it. Doing this type of marketing can help to boost your mailing list in no time, especially if the ebook or tool is worth having.

Building a successful mailing list with the use of Pop Up Domination has never been made easier. This is a wordpress plugin which pops up with an opt-in form to your mailing list, auto responder or whatever you desire to do with it. Pop Up Domination can also be used to offer your freebies as I mentioned above. Using the Pop Up Dominaton plugin can build your list faster than just placing the opt-in form in your sidebar.

Goal #3: Guest Blogging

I know that there are lots of bloggers who haven’t tried guest blogging as yet. Why? Are you shy? Are you afraid that your posts might be rejected?

If you want to participate on guest blogging then you have to make an effort to make your first guest post. Guest blogging brings in tons of targeted traffic, of course this depends on the blog that you choose to write for. Be sure to write your best post when doing guest blogging or else your post will be rejected.

Not participating in guest blogging is like missing out on targeted traffic, if you don’t already have that desire amount of traffic to your blog.

You can start off by writing your first guest post and make sure that the blog you choose to write for is in or close to your niche. Visit the blog guidelines page to make sure everything is in order with your guest post. After submitting your post you will need to wait until the blog owner approves or reject it. If it is rejected, you can ask the blog owner what is wrong and then make further changes to make it perfect. If your guest post was published then be sure to reply to each comment in a thankful manner. This will help to further build up your chances of becomming a successful blogger.

So go ahead and start writing your guest posts, don’t be afraid to make that first move. You can also set a goal of writing at least one guest post per week and submitting it to different blogs. After that you can step the pace up a bit and write two or more posts per week, that’s if your schedule allows you to do such.

Goal #4: Making Money

It is a dream for lots of bloggers to earn hundreds or even thousands online per month from their blog. That dream can become a reality over a short period of time.

I remember making my dollar online, of course that was years ago before I started blogging , and even though it wasn’t much it still felt great making money online.

If you want to make over $500, $1,000 or more online every month then you have to start small. Don’t aim to make that much zeros per month. Most times people set goals of making thousands online per month and when they fail to earn even a dollar then they give up and say that making money online is hard.

Start by making $5 per week. You step that pace up and aim to make $10. You continue on that track until you start to earn $100 per month. Find a way that makes money easy, improvise on that method and in no time you can make lots of money online from your blog.

I recently read an article which gave tips on how to make $100 online every month. This article said to create a product – an ebook or whatever it is. Market that ebook for $10. Make it an aim to sell 10 ebook per month. $10 multiply by that 10 sale that you made will give you the $100 per month. It is as easy as that making money online.

With the added increase of traffic then you can make much more online from your blog. You can also start by entering guest blogging contests to make some extra cash.

Goal #5: Content Writing

Writing contents for our blog is a must. Without content on a blog then that blog is nothing. But how much content do you produce per day or week?

Content writing involves putting together your ideas and knowledge in writing for a specific topic. How much content/article you write and produce per week can determine your level of success as a blogger. You should set a goal of writing at least three articles per week, use two for your blog and contribute the other as a guest post. Doing this will help to maintain your blog and also to help keep it balanced.

Time to come you can set your goals higher and do more content writing. It will open the gateway so that you have lots of articles to choose from when you want to publish or for guest blogging. Also if your lifestyle gets a bit busy then you can quickly choose from your list of already written post and then easily publish it.

In Conclusion…

Set goals so that you can become successful. After that, you can set the target a bit higher and aim to accomplish it. This is a great approach in which you chould take it you so desire to become successful.


  1. Susan Velez


    Hey Kharim,

    I think that setting up a blog is extremely easy, but driving the traffic is the challenge. You have listed some great tips that we should all take into consideration.

    We also need to remember that it doesn’t happen overnight. Yes we would love for it to…but we need to give it some time to work. Thanks for sharing these tips and I will begin implementing some of these methods, have a great day.

    • Reply

      Hello Susan,

      You are so right about. Blogs can be set up within 5 minutes but takes time to get traffic to it.

      The more time one take in building up and working on their blog then they can be successful.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Rajasthan Tours


    I like your blog it’s look nice and attractive. It’s help in every situation with we can promote our company and knowing other companies also. I always keep in touch with your blog and going to bookmark also.

  3. karla


    I’ve been blogging for almost a year now, but I was still at the lowest rank. I will do the other mechanism to increase traffic on my Blog. I’m just ignoring the social media before, but since you’ve stated that social media can really help us, I’ll try it right now! I will be back to review some of your guidelines. My genuinely thank you for helping me out.Thanks for all the tips.

  4. Audrey Ross



    Awesome post! These goals should not be overlooked by a blogger. Mediocrity has no place in the blogger’s vocabulary. Setting goals can help you improve and improve and improve until you reach the maximum possible. In addition to the conclusion, all these goals start on maximizing your blog through satisfying your readers.

  5. Megan Brown


    Great tips. As this is mandatory coz its basic one. Unless and untill we don’t work like this then it becomes very hard for us to become top blogger as here competition is very tough. One must have knowledge and experience and willingness to work hard inorder to beat competitors.

  6. Mith


    I can assure you making a list of subscribers is not an easy job.
    with really hard efforts yo can take 10 – 15 subscribers in 2 to 3 months .
    I can say these tips if manged properly can serve you with an better traffic and revenue blog.

    • Reply

      That’s true. You have to work very hard to build a great list and thats why it is recommended to start as early as possible.

      Thanks for the comment

  7. john


    Yes, absolutely guest blogging has helped me out too. Guest blogging has given me many places to write and post my knowledge on certain topics. This has gone a long way with search engines too. By posting quality content on other blogs, you are going a long way in showing that you are an authority figure in your niche.

  8. Nicholas Scott


    The blogosphere is constantly changing, and it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with the features, opportunities and challenges of blogging. That’s why it’s important to have quick access to simple blogging tips that can point you on the path to success.

  9. Reply

    Goals are great. It is VERY important that you write you goals down. Statistics show that people who physically write goals down on paper, are 85% more likely to reach those goals!

  10. Reply

    Setting goals is actually my primary tactic to achieve something. But of course, a goal should be attainable and not only happen on your dreams. Referring to the goals written above, there is only one that I’ve missed. It’s guest blogging. Haven’t tried it yet. Because I am not confident to do it. May be that will be my next goal this coming few days.

    • Reply

      Guest blogging is great. Great for getting new customers, traffic, building backlinks, building relationships, or whatever you want. I think you should do a bit of guest posting πŸ™‚

  11. Aanchal


    Building a list has huge advantages, you not only can promote your latest content but you can also make money through affliiate marketing, avoid spamming for affiliate marketing as you’ll loose your readers too.

  12. Aaron


    I think content writing should be first step for any blogger, if you provide quality & informative content then everybody would love to visit at your blog again and again.

  13. Camyden


    Goal setting is such an important task, but accountability is just as important. You can set your goals but if you don’t have anyone to hold you accountable then what good is it. Unless you’re one of those highly motivated people that just accomplish goals because they set them (like climbing Everest because it’s there). Love goal setting, I have notebooks full of them lol. For me being accountable makes all the difference.

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