There is more than one way to skin a cat (as the saying goes). The same can be said about your blog, there is more than one way to make money blogging. In fact there might be hundreds of ways to make money from your blog without you even knowing all of them.

The question is: Which ways are the best to make money from your blog?

Not all money-making strategies work with every blog. Sometimes it depends on the niche that the blog is in, the amount of traffic the blog is getting, how effective is the information on the blog to its visitors, and the list goes on and on. It is a new year and no doubt you would like to make money from your blog, no matter how little it might be. So why not make the extra effort to start making money from your blog.

In this blog post I will be showing you how you can make money from your blog in 2011.

7 Ways To Make Money Blogging


[box type=”red”]Google Adsense[/box]

Google Adsense is a very popular means of making money online and also a great way to monetize your blog. This is one of the best PPC sites out of many all over the web.

Setting up your Google Adsense account is pretty simple and is very easy to install on your blog. When applying for your Google Adsense account, make sure that your blog is over 6 months old (I think that’s the accepted age limit for a site that wants to join the Google Adsense program).

In order to make it work for you, your blog is going to need some good amount of traffic if you want to collect a check every month.

If you already have Adsense on your blog, here is one of my post which will help you to increase your earnings: How To Increase Your Google Adsense Revenue

[box type=”red”]Affiliate Marketing[/box]

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways of making money online.

You don’t know what affiliate marketing is? Well affiliate marketing is selling products or services for someone or a company, and each sale that is made you are given a commission.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to deal with the customers or the products and the services being sold. If there is a problem with products or services, then the website that you are affiliated with will handle and take care of this problem.

This is the fastest way to make money from your blog. This doesn’t require that you have lots of visitors like the Google Adsense to make good amount money. Once the affiliated product is targeted to your visitors and it appeals to them, then you can make a sale.

[box type=”red”]Selling Banner Advertisment[/box]

Selling advertising space on your blog has its ups and downs. Don’t get me wrong, this is also a good way to make money from your blog, but selling ads is actually giving your visitors another way to leave your blog.

I like making money online and I like keeping my blog visitors, so what should I do? Well I think of it as giving the advertiser a oppertunity to advertise his site on my blog for a fee.

But the only way that you are going to make money from selling ads is that you have to be getting lots of traffic on your blog. Face the fact, no one wants to purchase ads on a site which has a low amount of traffic. The person buying the ad space won’t get the traffic that he was looking for. Plus the price that you are selling it for should be taken into consideration.

If you want to sell ads on your blog, you can use or if you want to take control of your own ads then you can use OIO Publisher.

[box type=”red”]Sell Your eBook[/box]

You might be saying, but I don’t have an e-book. Well my reply is, why not write one?

How? You can so this by turning your articles into a book. This is just like writing a blog post but with the book you want to make sure that you cover every points which links to the topic that you want to write about.

For Exapmle, you want to write a blog post on how to get blog traffic and how to keep it. You can easily write an e-book on how to do this. Write about what you should do to get the traffic, seo traffic, social media traffic, how to keep your traffic, etc. And that would be a great e-book to sell.

Selling an e-book is a very great way to make money of the book appeals to your readers need. Give your readers a reason why they should they should buy your e-book and tell them how the benefit greatly from it. Once this e-book is related to your blog then selling your book should be an easy task.

[box type=”red”]Services/ Coaching[/box]

Once you start to see some great result in your blog then you can start to offer your coaching service to help others to get the same success that you have.

To make this work then you need to have proof to show to your visitors to make them believe that you can actually help them.

This also a great way to build relationships with your blog readers who want your services.

[box type=”red”]Create A Mailing List[/box]

Emailing marketing is one of the most powerful means of connecting and building relationships with whoever has subscribed to your list, and I must say that this is a very powerful money-making strategy.

But in order for you to make money from your mailing list then you have to put your opt-in box where your visitors can see it clearly. It might take some time for you to build your mailing list but it’s definitely worth it.

The fastest way to build up your mailing list subscribers is to use the . I am using it and I must say that it has worked well for me. So if you want to build your mailing list the fastest way, use to do so.

Another great way to build your list fast is if you offer something free to your visitors. Offer an e-book or something which will make them want to sign up.

[box type=”red”]Sponsored Reviews[/box]

Getting paid to write a review for a website or a product is another way to make money with your blog.

This is basically someone paying me to write a great review about a product that they are selling and state how it has helped me to make money online or how I became successful by using that particular product.

Some people might think that this is not fair because whoever is writing the review might not be honest in what they are saying, they have not used this product and is only writing the review because they are getting paid to write it. Well in writing reviews you should be honest and make sure what you have written in your review is true.

[box type=”spacer”]Another Great Way To Make Money[/box]

If you are a member on Twitter all you have to do is connect your account and make money tweeting. This is really fun and easy to do. So you can join My Likes and see how much money you can make from your Twitterprofile.

[box]Group Discussion[/box]

  • Already making money from your blog? Well share with us how you do it!


  1. Mike Robertson


    I agree that you can make money from the methods suggested in the blog above but they all require hard work and dedication. Nothing is easy & you must put the effort in for a sustained period before you start to see results

  2. rihaaz


    Dear Admin
    thanks for sharing and giving such a wonderful article.I really appreciate your work.
    And I love to read your coming articles.


  3. Jack


    That’s a pretty comprehensive list, Kharim.

    I know that it is slightly dated now, considering it was a 2011 list, but would you think it’s fair to say that ‘Marketing Lists’ are just as powerful as ever? I’ve heard the saying ‘the money is in the list’ a few times on forums now. Do you think that is the best way to earn online?

    • Reply

      Hey Jack,

      Well if you start a list the very first day of starting your blog then you can have great success in making money from your list.

      Yes it has been proven over and over that the money is in the list.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. Reply

    Nice excellent article, but it looks you did not cover anything about cpm/ppc/cpv etc which are also very excellent ways for webmaster to turn their traffic into revenue, specially cpv now a days getting very famous in webmaster, because they can convert every visitor into revenue without annoying their visitor

  5. Jawed


    Nice post Kharim, While all of these are good to make money online, I think offering services and coaching tops the list. I done wisely this only can make you enough money keep your blog ad-free.

  6. Thomas O'Hearn


    Good stuff here, Kharim. I have a few changes I’m going to make over at my site to try and promote just a small number of a few affiliate products I’ve had great luck with.

    Have a few incentives planned for visitors of mine who use one of the affiliates I provide too, so I’m curious how that facts into whether or not people convert.

  7. Reply

    This is a fantastic list! I see “make money blogging” lists constantly and they all pretty much say the same thing. Your list, though, is fresh and inspiring – thanks!

  8. Cassnadra


    thanks, i didnt know about free making online money. I think traffic is the most important fort your blog to make money, so talking about anything that is currently on the news might help to get more visitors, as this will be quite searched for a while.

  9. Mike


    I’s important to have a soiid, focused, & organized content foundation first. If you don’t have this, it won’t matter what tactics you use…as I’ve learned the hard way.

    Check out this article I wrote, How to Make Money From Your Blog in 6 Easy Steps.

  10. Marketing Philosophy


    For me having a mailing list is by far the best way to make money from your blog not only because you can promote affiliate products but most importanly because you can increase the traffic of your blog and as a result increase the value for selling ads space!

  11. Vince Lombardi


    I have not yet been able to take the decision to start a mailing list on my blog, but am thinking of starting it pretty soon..Seems like people have really enjoyed quite a lot of success using it.

  12. Pinoy Tv


    In my experience it’s always better to put your ads on as soon as you have 50 plus uniques a day. My reasoning is if you start early as you build more and more traffic, your readers will be used to seeing the ads and it will not be a turn off to them. Also, by starting early you can see your monetization stats as they grow and make adjustments as they become necessary for more revenue.

  13. nazimwarriach


    Kharim, I am making money from AdSense and affiliate marketing and now I want to earn some money from paid reviews on one of my blog about mobile phones and computer with an 60k monthly traffic.
    What should I do?

  14. John Mak


    Hello Kharim!

    This is a very interesting post! But what do you believe is the most successful way to make money online?


  15. Brian


    Hi Kharim,
    A lot of good ideas for making money. I think one of the best you listed is services/coaching. If you’ve done a good job creating a brand for yourself as a expert in your industry, it is one of the best ways to translate blogging into significant money. Just make sure to cover yourself on the business liability and tax side of the equation if you want to really get into it.

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Brian. That’s true, services is one of the best money makers, but you have to prove to others that you can accomplish certain things before you want to start coaching.

  16. SEO services


    Excellent writeup, in fact I was also planning to make money in this manner, this writeup should help me in doing that, thanks for sharing!!..

  17. Reply

    Thank you again Kharim for this post. It’s my second time to make a comment with your article. It’s only that I love reading your posts as it has a rich contents that proves to be useful. Thanks again and more power.

    • Reply

      Hi Rose.

      Thanks for reading my articles and leaving your comment. I really appreciate it and glad that I could be of some help to you alone your blogging journey. Feel free to stop by again.

  18. William Tha Great


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks for sharing these money making tips with us!

    These are all great ways to make money. You said most of them are easy, but I would have to disagree on that with you. I don’t think there are any easy ways to make money online. I mean there are easy ways to make a couple bucks, but to make a living thAt takes much time, work, & patience.

    It’s funny how people read your article but, don’t offer you any help on this you don’t notice. You have some typo’s in the sections, “Share you ebook” so I hope that helps!

    Thanks again!

    God bless,
    William Veasley

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment William.

      If you know what you are doing then it’s easy to make the money from your blog with a little extra effort on your part.

      Thanks for the correction as well.

  19. Reply

    Hey Kharim,

    Although making money through AdSense is more than popular these days, I can’t really say that it is the best monetization technique out there. In order to make it work, you need to have tons of traffic. And not any traffic but organic, since getting clicks from other traffic sources is a rare occasion.

    Selling ad space is not a bad idea. I read an article on the subject a few days ago and decided to see for myself and placed two ad spots. Haven’t got advertisers yet, but hell just three days have passed. We’ll see.

    • Reply

      Hey Daniel,

      Thanks for the comment. And you are right on this point, making money with Google Adsense requires lots of traffic if you want to see real success.

      Selling ads is also a great way of making money from your blog. I hope you get some sales soon 🙂

  20. Reply

    I like the new setup of your blog Kharim! Looks nice!

    I’m actually posting something similar 🙂 But anyways, thanks for the great tip. 2011 is the year for me to start making some money!

  21. Wan Firdaus


    Totally agree with your lists.In my country we make money from twitter using ChurpChurp.About the sponsored reviews,I’ve done them before,and they paid really well.
    Have a nice day 🙂

    • Reply

      Yep thats true, sponsored reviews pays really well. But as I said in this post, you must be truthful when writing the review. Because if someone finds out that you were lying and only write the review for the money then they won’t put trust in you and the product or site that you review.

  22. Anne Sales


    There’s a new addon that is slowly making its way to the web surfers and it’s called adblock. I understand sometimes ads could be annoying especially those with interactive feature and they sometimes distract you. We can say, people are getting either fed-up or immune to ads which is not good for adsense publishers.
    Anyway, since you listed a handful more of ideas to make money from blogging, that is good. I do hope your post will help many aspiring bloggers out there to be successful this year and onward.

    • Reply

      Hey Anne,

      You are so right. Google Adsense on a site, especially the ones immune to educated visitors, ignore these ads. That is the best way to make Adsense work for you is to build up traffic. Well for Google Adsense on my site I still get a relative amount of clicks, some times these clicks earn over $1.00. So I get a low CTR but a high CPC which works out pretty well.

      Thanks for the comment 🙂 Hope to see you here again.

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